Title: | Complaints. Containing Sundrie small Poemes of the Worlds Vanitie. Whereof the next Page maketh mention...
Repository: | U of Florida Libraries
Shelfmark: | Smathers PR2357.A1
Published by: |
Published for: | William Ponsonbie
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1591
Copynotes: | Titles within an ornamental woodcut border. Wood cut head-pieces, tailpieces, and initials. First edition, only lifetime and only Elizabethan edition. Modern crushed levant.
Editionnotes: | ESTC:
Signatures: A-Z⁴.
"The teares of the muses", "Prosopopoia", and "Muiopotmos" each have separate title pages, the last dated 1590; register is continuous.
The last leaf is blank.
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 6/24/09
Record Source: | Repository catalog
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |