Title: | The faerie queene: disposed into XII bookes, fashioning twelue morall vertues.
Repository: | U of Chicago Library
Shelfmark: | PR2358 1609
Published by: | H[umphrey] L[ownes]
Published for: | Mathew Lownes
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1609
Copynotes: | Special t.p. reads: The second part of the Faerie Queene : containing the fourth, fift, and sixt booke / by Ed. Spenser. Imprinted at London : For Matthew Lownes, 1609.
"Two cantos of mutabilitie" (p. 353-363) has running title: The seventh booke of the Faerie queene.
First folio ed.
Signatures: A-Y6 2A-2H6 2I4.
LC copy wanting the final blank; item no. 669 of the George Fabyan Collection.
STC (2nd ed.) 23083
Johnson, F. Spenser, 12
Editionnotes: | Contents:
A letter ... to Sir Walter Raleigh (23. Januarie. 1589) --A vision upon this conceit of The Faerie queene -- The shepheards calender -- Prosopopoia. Or Mother Hubberds tale (1613) -- Colin Clouts come home again -- The mourning muse of Thestylis -- A pastorall aeglogue upon the death of Sir Philip Sidney -- An elegie, or friends passion -- Protalamion or A spousall verse -- Amoretti and Epithalamion -- Epithalamion -- Foure hymnes -- Daphnaida. An elegie -- Complaints containing sundry small poemes of the worlds vanitie -- The tears of the muses -- Virgils gnat -- The ruines of Rome: by Bellay -- Muiopotmos, or The fate of the butterfly -- Visions of the worlds vanitie -- The visions of Bellay -- The visions of Petrarch.
Record Author: | Cait Martinez 5/26/09
Record Source: | Repository Catalog
Provenance Source: |
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