Copynotes: | 1 p. l., 363, [1] p. ill. 28 cm.
Signatures: A-Y*p6*s, Aa-Hh*p6*s, Ii*p2*s, unsigned leaf.
Title vignettes; head and tail pieces; initials.
"First folio edition, containing the first edition of 'Two Cantos of Mutabilitie, which, both for form and matter, appeare to be parcell of some following Booke of the Faerie Queene, under the Legend of Constancie.'"--Lowndes, v. 3, p. 2476.
Colophon: At London, Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes. 1609. (With head and tail piece, and printer's device)
The second part has special t.-p.: The second part of the faerie qveene, containing the fovrth, fift, & sixt booke. By Ed. Spenser. Imprinted at London for Mathew Lownes. 1609.
Contains book-plate of Henry Hucks Gibbs.
SPECIAL COLLECTIONS: Errors in paging: p. 8 numbered 10; p. 311 numbered 31.