Title: | The faerie qveene, disposed into twelue books, fashioning XII. Morall vertues. |
Repository: | Princeton U Library |
Shelfmark: | EX3940.332.17 |
Published by: | |
Published for: | Printed for W. Ponsonbie |
Published Location: | London |
Published date: | 1596 |
Copynotes: | |
Editionnotes: | First ed. Of both volumes.
Vol. 2 has title: The second part of The faerie qveene. Containing the fovrth, fifth and sixth bookes. By Ed. Spenser.
Copy 1 is McCormick copy. |
Record Author: | |
Record Source: | |
Provenance Source: | |
Siglum: | PRT_FQU_012 |
Collation Siglum: |