Spenser Archive Finding Aid
Folio Parts -> Colin Clouts and shorter poems

The faerie queen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch poet, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected., 1611, Young 327

Title: The faerie queen: The shepheards calendar: together with the other works of England's arch poet, Edm. Spenser: collected into one volume, and carefully corrected.
Repository: Cambridge U Newnham College
Shelfmark: Young 327
Published by: H[umphrey] L[ownes]
Published for: Mathew Lwnes
Published Location: London
Published date: 1611
Copynotes: Title within woodcut border. Most of the minor works have special title-pages. The second part of the Faerie Queene and Prosopopoia dated 1613. Binding: Burgundy levant morocco; French fillet, g. decorated spine, board edges & inside covers, raised bands, a.e.g., marbled e.p.; bound by Riviere (stamp) Initial title page and conjugate dedication to Elizabeth - dated 1611. 1st part of the Faerie Queene. there is no dated colophon at the end of the third book. Stanza 1 on B3r identifies it as the later printing "Young Knight" 2nd part of the Faerie Queene: comprised of the last three books and the 2 cantos of mutability - title page identifies 1613 printing. Colophon has misprinted "16012" Letter to Raleigh and dedicatory sonnets. First line of text ends: "Alle-" (1611) Prosopopoia or Mother Hubberd's Tale: title page has 1613 variant. Colin Clouts Come Home Again and shorter poems: no print date on t.p.. Subsequent poems as follows: The mourning muse of Thestylis; A pastorall aeglogue upon the death of Sir Philip Sydney; An elegie or friends passion for his Astrophell; Prothalamion (t.p. dated 1611); Amoretti & Epithalamion (t.p. dated 1611); Foure Hymnes (t.p. dated 1611); Daphnaida (t.p. dated 1611); Complaints (t.p. dated 1611); The Teares of the Muses (t.p. dated 1611); Virgils gnat; The ruines of Rome: by Bellay; Muiopotmas or The Fate of the Butterfly (t.p. dated 1611); Visions of Bellay; Visions of Petrarch.
Editionnotes: A third "reissue" of the 1609 edition, though both parts are now actually in later settings. Part 1 still has the 1611 cancel title page and conjugate dedication of the first reissue (STC 23083.3). The text of part 1 has now been reset (the 1615 date conjectured by STC); B3r stanza 1 begins "Young Knight". Part 2 still has separate title page dated 1612 or 1613 (stop-press variants) and R3r catchword reads "And". Pagination and register are continuous. The last leaf is blank. Signatures: A⁶(-A1+pi²) B-P⁶ Q⁴ R-2H⁶.
Record Author: irc; NS 5/25/10
Record Source: pers com (see correspondence record)
Provenance Source:
Siglum: CNC_FQU_001
Collation Siglum:

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