Copynotes: | Title in Utex catalogue is "The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq. "
"Harper pr(inted). the Hanmer section"--STC.
"The chronicle of Ireland: collected by Meredith Hanmer .. The second part" (caption title) begins new pagination on 2A1r.
"A vievv of the state of Ireland .. by Edmund Spenser .. VVhereunto is added the history of Ireland, by Edmund Campion .. Published by Sir Iames Ware Knight" has separate dated title page, pagination, and register.
"Certaine verses of Mr Edm. Spenser's", (4) leaves at end.
A reissue, with cancel title page, of: Two histories of Ireland.
Variant: Hanmer's chronicle bound first, with a cancel dedication by M. Manwaring replacing that of James Ware.
References: STC (2nd ed.), 25067a.
References: ESTC, s121995