Spenser Archive Finding Aid
Editions -> View of the State of Ireland -> 1633

A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. In the yeare 1596. , 1633, PFORZ 984 PFZ

Title: A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. In the yeare 1596.
Repository: Harry Ransom Center, U Texas-Austin
Shelfmark: PFORZ 984 PFZ
Published by: the Society of Stationers
Published for:
Published Location: Dublin
Published date: 1633
Copynotes: PFORZ copy imperfect (?): p. 121-(128) wanting. Description from Johnson. Usually found bound with histories of Ireland by Edmund Campion and Meredith Hamner, with general t.p.: The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors. Dublin : Printed by the Society of Stationers, 1633. Cf. Johnson. Tailpieces; initial. "The epistle dedicatory." signed: Iames VVare. "Faults escaped.": p. 120. "Certaine verses of Mr Edm. Spenser's.": [8] p. at end.
Record Author: Cait Martinez 6/19/09
Record Source: Repository catalog
Provenance Source:
Siglum: TRC_VSI_002
Collation Siglum:

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