Title: | The faerie queene. : disposed into twelue bookes, fashioning XII. morall vertues.
Repository: | Pierpont Morgan Library
Shelfmark: | PML 6532-33
Published by: | Richard Field
Published for: | Wlliam Ponsonbie
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1596
Copynotes: | Bdg.: brown morocco, possibly by Charles Lewis.
Editionnotes: | Printed by Richard Field, whose device appears on t.p.
T.p. of vol. II reads: The second part of The faerie queene ... by Ed. Spenser. Imprinted at London for VVilliam Ponsonby. 1596.
Record Author: | irc; Elena Galkina 08/23/2018
Record Source: | Catalog; correspondence
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: | PML_FQU_001
Collation Siglum: |