Title: | The Shepheardes Calender: Conteyning Twelue Aeglogues, Proportionable to the Twelue Moneths: Entituled, To the Noble and vertuous Gentleman, most worthy of all tytles, both of learning and chivalrie, Maister Philip Sidney. [Device.]
Repository: | Oxford U Taylor Institution Library
Shelfmark: | ARCH.8o.E.1597
Published by: | Thomas Creede
Published for: | John Harrison the younger
Published Location: | London
Published date: | 1597
Copynotes: |
PHYSICAL DESC:2 p. l., 4 leaves, 1-101 p. 19 cm.
Has decorative blind stamped binding by Winstanley, Manchester (19th century binding, most likely).
Editionnotes: | "To his booke" signed: Immeritò, i.e. Edmund Spenser.
Partly in verse.
Signatures: A-O⁴.
Woodcut head-pieces, tail-pieces and initials. Each month has a woodcut vignette at the beginning.
Fifth edition and last in Spencer's life.
Record Author: | Catherine Blose; NS 6/25/10
Record Source: | Jill Hughes
Provenance Source: |
Siglum: |
Collation Siglum: |