Title: | The shepheardes calender conteyning tvvelue aeglogues proportionable to the twelue monethes. Entitled to the noble and vertuous gentleman most worthy of all titles both of learning and cheualrie M. Philip Sidney. |
Repository: | British Library |
Shelfmark: | Ashley 1758 |
Published by: | Thomas East |
Published for: | John Harison the younger |
Published Location: | London |
Published date: | 1581 |
Copynotes: | "This copy is not entered in BLPC, although it is described in the printed catalogue of the Ashley Library (11 vols., 1922-1936, reprinted 1971)." |
Editionnotes: | |
Record Author: | Beth |
Record Source: | STC, Johnson, email |
Provenance Source: | |
Siglum: | BRL_SHC_010 |
Collation Siglum: |