Editionnotes: | Contents: The Faerie qveen [books I-III]. The second part of the Faerie qveene: containing the fovrth, fift, & sixt booke. 1612. A letter of the avthors, expounding his whole intention in the course of this worke ... To Sir Walter Raleigh. [Commendatory verse, etc.] The Shepheards calender ... 1611. Prosopopoia. Or Mother Hubberds tale. 1612. Colin Clovts come home again. Astrophell [etc.]. Prothalamion or A spovsall verse. 1611. Amoretti. 1611. Epithalamion. 1611. Fovre Hymnes. 1611. Daphnaida ... 1611. Complaints containing svndry small poems of the vvorlds vanitie. 1611. The rvines of time. The teares of the Mvses. 1611. Virgils Gnat. The rvines of Rome: by Bellay. Mviopotmos, or The Fate of the Butterfly. 1611. Visions of the worlds vanitie. The visions of Bellay. The visions of Petrarch.
Colophon (on verso of p. 363, at end of Two cantos of mvtabilitie): 16012. [sic] London, Printed by H.L. for Matthew Lownes.
Most of the minor works have special title-pages, and are unpaged.