81 records found.
- A viewe of the presant state of Irelande: discoursed by waye of a dialogue between Eudoxus and Irenius., 1600,
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. In the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the history of Ireland by Edmund Campion, sometime fellow of St. Iohn's Colledge in Oxford. Published by Sir Iames Ware knight., 1633, D652
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. In the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the history of Ireland by Edmund Campion, sometime fellow of St. Iohn's Colledge in Oxford. Published by Sir Iames Ware knight., 1633, Q.1.8.
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. In the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the history of Ireland by Edmund Campion, sometime fellow of St. Iohn's Colledge in Oxford. Published by Sir Iames Ware knight., 1633, DA910 C36 1633
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus / by Edmund Spenser. Publ. by James , 1633, 4 H BRIT P III, 2008
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. In the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the history of Ireland by Edmund Campion, sometime fellow of St. Iohn's Colledge in Oxford. Published by Sir Iames Ware knight., 1633, SB.5.17
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. In the yeare 1596. , 1633, PFORZ 984 PFZ
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. In the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the history of Ireland by Edmund Campion, sometime fellow of St. Iohn's Colledge in Oxford. Published by Sir Iames Ware knight., 1633, PFORZ 983 PFZ
- The historie of Ireland, : collected by three learned avthors/ viz. Meredith Hanmer...Edmvnd Campion...and Edmvnd Spenser, Esq., 1633, DA 910 H57 1633
- Tvvo histories of Ireland. The one written by Emund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity., 1633, Grylls. 23. 125
- , 1633, Keynes D. 2. 23
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. In the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the history of Ireland by Edmund Campion, sometime fellow of St. Iohn's Colledge in Oxford. Published by Sir Iames Ware knight., 1633, WOR Spec Coll O.i.1(1)
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise between Eudoxus and Iraenus, by Edmund Spenser esq. in the yeare 1596., 1633, RHT (Rare Books)
- [View of the state of Ireland, in] The historie of Ireland/ collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer...Edmund Campion...and Edmund Spenser esq., 1633, DA905 .H26 IRISH
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenæus, by Edmund Spenser Esq. in the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the history of Ireland by Edmund Campion, sometime fellow of St Iohn’s Colledge in Oxford. Published by Sir Iames Ware knight. [In The Historie of Ireland; collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer, Edmund Campion and Edmund Spenser; published by Sir James Ware] , 1633, Confidential
- "A View of the State of Ireland," in "The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned avthors, viz. Meredith Hanmer ... Edmvnd Campion ... and Edmvnd Spenser, esq." by Sir James Ware. , 1633, xx DA905.W262
- 'A view of the state of Ireland' in "Tvvo histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity.", 1633, J 941
- 'A vievv of the state of Ireland' in "The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq.", 1633, LO 1697
- 'A view of the state of Ireland' in "Tvvo histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity.", 1633, LO 1213
- 'A view of the state of Ireland' in "Tvvo histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity.", 1633, LO 1662
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned avthors...viz. Meredith Hanmer...Edmvnd Campion...and Edmvnd Spenser, esq., 1633, Smathers 941.5W269hi
- A view of the state of Ireland, 1633,
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer ... Edmund Campion ... and Edmund Spenser Esq. , 1633,
- [View of the state of Ireland, in] The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq..
, 1633, N.8.39
- The historie of Ireland / collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie ; Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Johns Colledge in Oxford ; and Edmund Spenser Esq.
, 1633, K.18.58
- A view of the state of Ireland, written...in the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the History of Ireland, by Edmund Campion. Published by Sir Iames Ware., 1633, stc 00371
- [View of the state of Ireland, in] The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq.., 1633, 32.B.6
- The historie of Ireland / collected by three learned authors, viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie, Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford, and Edmund Spenser Esq., 1633, [D.-L.L.] Cc.5 [Ware] fol.
- A view of the state of Ireland: Written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus,/ By Edmund Spenser...Whereunto is added the History of Ireland, / By Edmund Campion, 1633, Special Collections DA 905 .C19 1633
- A view of the state of Ireland: written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Ireneus/ by Edmund Spenser Esq. in the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the History of Ireland/by Edmund Campion...;Published by Sir James Ware. , 1633, 914.15 Sp35v
- A view of the state of Ireland : written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenæus / by Edmund Spenser Esq. in the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the History of Ireland / by Edmund Campion ... ; published by Sir James Ware Knight. , 1633, y PR2360/VIEW
- A View of the State of Ireland : Written Dialogue-wise Betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus / by Edmund Spenser, Esq. in the yeare 1596., 1633,
- [View of the state of Ireland, in] The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq..
, 1633, q 941.5 W223h
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St. Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq..., 1633, Early Printed Books Stacks GG. bb. 27 (Copy B)
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq.., 1633, Early Printed Books Stacks RR.gg.2 (Copy C)
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer ... Edmund Campion ... and Edmund Spenser esq., 1633, Ig Sp35 +633
- Two histories of Ireland. , 1633, AA 38 Art.Seld.
- Two histories of Ireland. [Tvvo histories of Ireland. The one written by Edmund Campion, the other by Meredith Hanmer Dr of Divinity.], 1633, Wood 406
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq.. , 1633, Douce H subt. 13
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq., 1633, I.17.2
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors, viz., Meredith Hanmer ... Edmund Campion ... and Edmund Spenser ..., 1633, Case F 42 .954
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors, viz., Meredith Hanmer ... Edmund Campion ... and Edmund Spenser ..., 1633, DA905 .W262
- A view of the state of Ireland : written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenæus /
, 1633,
- A vievv of the state of Ireland, : written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus / by Edmund Spenser Esq. in the yeare 1596., 1633, DA937 .S64 1633
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer Doctor in Divinitie: Edmund Campion sometime fellow of St Iohns Colledge in Oxford: and Edmund Spenser Esq.., 1633, Early Printed Books Stacks RR.e.50 (Copy A)
- “A view of the state of Ireland: written dialogue-wise between Eudoxus and Irenæ / by Edmund Spenser Esq. in the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the History of Ireland / by Edmund Campion…, 1633, PR 2360 .V6 1633
- A view of the state of Ireland: written dialogue-wise between Eudoxus and Irenæ / by Edmund Spenser Esq. in the yeare 1596. Whereunto is added the History of Ireland / by Edmund Campion…, 1633, PR 2360 .V6 1633a
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus., 1633, PO2350 1633
- A view of the state of Ireland, written dialogue-wise betweene Eudoxus and Irenaeus., 1633, PO2350 1633 Copy 2
- The historie of Ireland: collected by three learned authors/ viz Meredith Hanmer ; Edmund Campion and Edmund Spenser., 1633,
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer ... Edmund Campion ... and Edmund Spenser., 1633, PML 76454
- The historie of Ireland, collected by three learned authors viz. Meredith Hanmer ... Edmund Campion ... and Edmund Spenser., 1633, PML 76454
- A view of the state of Ireland : written dialogue-wise between Eudoxus and Ireneus.
, 1715, DA937.S64 1715 IRISH
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index ..., 1763, B 4072
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, 601.d.33
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, Hib.8.763.5
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index..., 1763, LO 13377
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, MR/17/B/14
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, 941.55
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus, / by Edmund Spenser; to which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index added ...
, 1763, Early Printed Books Stacks OLS B-2-240
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index added to the Work., 1763, SCS 00631 [NON-CIRC]
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, 4DA937.S74
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, 941.55 S1
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, DA937 .S6
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index added to the Work., 1763, Vet. A5 f.1159
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, vII.46
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index, 1763, RB B 3602
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index ..., 1763, 437082
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, x941.5.Sp3v
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, PO2356 .V6 1763
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser., 1763, Wordworth DA937 .S74 1763
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, DA937.S74
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index added to the Work., 1763, U Eng Spen 3684.D
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, DA937.S64 1763
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index?, 1763, DA937.S64 1763
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus / by Edmund Spenser ; to which is prefixed the author's life and an index added to the work., 1763, 18th C. Coll. 821.31 SPE
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index..., 1763, LO 637
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser., 1763, Special Collections Rare Books PR 2358. A2 T616
- A view of the State of Ireland: as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth. Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus/ by Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index added to the work., 1763, Fisher Rare Bk RB 4663.38
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth : Written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus / By Edmund Spenser. To which is prefix'd the author's life, and an index added to the work. Dublin:/Printed for Laurence Flin, in Castle-Street,/ and Ann Watts, in Skinner-Row./ MDCCLXIII
, 1763, S 941:505 (Guildhall-PB)
- A view of the state of Ireland as it was in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, written by way of dialogue between Eudoxus and Ireneus. By Edmund Spenser., 1763, F 4222 .832